Monday, October 28, 2013

3-1 in Standard

Wanted to stream this morning since I woke up at a responsible adult time, and noticed a 7am standard event.  Having only 7 tickets to my name, I entered, set up my stream, and started to play.  I handled a UW control list fairly easily, it helped that I was able to rip their hand apart with my discard, and cleaned up with Pack Rat. 

Round two I played the mirror match, and kept punting, I have no idea how to play against opposing pack rats, and continued to make poor attacks, and even worse blocks. 

Round three I battled mono blue devotion, swept it, learned a lot about sideboarding in the matchup, and never really felt threatened.  I controlled the devotion with my removal, and had needle for jace so they could not draw back into the game. 

Round four I was against UB control, game one was fairly back and forth, I made a few good plays, and then I punted.  I knew he had domestication in hand, and I just cast pack rat for whatever reason.  He took it, and suddenly I was back to making poor attacks and worse blocks.  Games two and three, I got an early rat down, protected it, and won. 

Here is the list I played. 

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